About the Three-Body Problem (three body)

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Cornel I. Nicolai KÁNYA

Date of birth 20 September 1945,


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My all life "hobby": The Three-Body Problem!
A 300 years old challenge!

Why this site?

1. Collecting references on the Internet, concerning the Three-Body Problem (three body)

, I have found that most of them are not accessible free.

Possible solutions:

  • to buy the book, the reprint of the article

  • to make an online account at some of the big university libraries, if they accept this

  • to request the paper from the author

  • to find a discussion group, expecting the help of colleagues

  • to make a visit to a big foreign scientific library

The above solutions are too expensive and practically difficult to realize (the payment method?)

 2. Later I realize that my problem is that of an outsider and I am not alone. They are millions of anonymous outsiders (people working not in preferred domain of interest, people geographically far from the resources – a country teacher), many of them capable to create something new and valuable.

 3. This site intends to collect a part of the above “defined” category that interested to work on the Three-Body Problem (three body). I think in somewhat like the Linux team, as thought-out by Linus Torwalds. (Who write the “kernel”?).

How believe to do this?

  1. First step, to draw a chart of the research directions, as scopes, methods, results, unsolved sub problems and their priorities – some kind of modularization (for example a good choused set of variables make easiest the construction of numerical method, the contemplation of the known motions suggests new variables, …). But this need the help of some erudite people, capable to overview this large area. (not like me).
  2. Second step, to complete the modules with the corresponding references, at least as addresses.
  3. Third step, to realize the full accessibility to the references, buying the books, periodicals for the team (in this case the site must be partially password protected – partially closed, as the big libraries)
  4. Fourth step, to organize the work on the modules, assuring the communication support from news list, to chat, phone, etc. 

4. As the long-term solution to convince the governments to support the expenses of producing the books, periodicals and putting them in free accessible status – at least in an online form (the printed books, CD-s can remain copyright protected). This investment of the “world” via the governments, after some negotiations in UNO, is a good one. The Internet, if really share the resources between all the people of the world (the technical support and the free access), can assure an immense salt in efficiency (reusable “code sequences”). But, this is the hoped future.

 5. Finally, the Internet with his ultrafast-ultrapowerful infrastructure can be “the big conscience of the humanity”, a live system as whole.

 Sorry, for my “poor” English (even for my defective pronunciation), any corrections are welcome.


16 August 2001


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